Partener Surfrider Foundation Europe « Mecen’Act Atlantique »

Novaldi is partener with Surfrider « Mecen’Act Atlantique » to support Surfrider Campus inaugurated.
Novaldi is a partner of Fonds de dotation Culture / Kultura

Novaldi is a partner of Fonds de dotation Culture / Kultura wich was create by Scène Nationale de Bayonne and the Institut Culturel Basque to support the cultural development of basque country.
Novaldi is part of the PAYS BASQUE DIGITAL office

Novaldi is part of the founding cluster of PAYS BASQUE DIGITAL.
Novaldi is part of FRENCH TECH PAYS BASQUE

Novaldi is part of FRENCH TECH PAYS BASQUE (Marie Jo Burucoa is Board member) .